SaaS Success Story: How Mida doubled sign up rates with Testimonial


We recently ran an A/B test on our sign-up page, and the results were mind-blowing.

A/B Result

Here's what happened:

The Problem:

Our original sign-up page was performing okay, but we knew it could be better. Only 37% of users were completing the sign-up form.

The Solution:

We decided to add testimonial blocks from Senja to our sign-up page.

A/B Test Preview

The Results:

  1. Sign-up completion rate jumped from 37% to almost 60%
  2. We saw a 56.94% improvement over 200 new sign-ups
  3. The A/B test showed a 100% likelihood of beating the original form
100% confidence

Why It Worked:

  1. Social Proof: The testimonials showed the value other customers found in our product, sparking interest and trust in potential users.
  2. Real Experiences: By showcasing success stories from current users, we convinced prospects to take action faster.
  3. Psychological Trigger: People are more likely to engage with a service when they see others successfully using it.

The Best Part:

This entire process took just 5 minutes to implement. It's a low-effort, high-reward strategy that anyone can replicate.

You just need to sync your Reviews from various platforms to Senja and embed it into your site with iframe. That's it.

Tools Used (All Free):

A/B Testing:

Key Takeaways:

  1. Don't underestimate the power of social proof in driving conversions.
  2. Sometimes, small changes can lead to significant improvements.
    It's not just about having a functional form; it's about making users feel confident in their choice.
  3. If you're looking to improve sign-ups on your website, I highly recommend trying this approach. It's been a game-changer for us in driving user engagement and conversion.

If you're interested to learn more, you can check out the live A/B test report here: live interactive report


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