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9 A/B Testing Examples For Higher Conversion Rates

Donald Ng
July 9, 2024
5-star rating
Reviews on Capterra

As someone who's been in the trenches of digital marketing and CRO for years, I'm excited to share with you some insights to uncover some simple yet powerful experiments that can seriously boost your conversion rates.

So grab a coffee, and let's chat about how to supercharge your marketing efforts!

Why A/B Testing Matters

Before we jump into the tests, let's quickly touch on why A/B testing is such a big deal. A/B testing gives us the power to make data-driven decisions, rather than relying on gut feelings or outdated best practices.

By running these tests, we're essentially asking our audience what they prefer, and they're answering with their actions. It's like having a direct line to your customers' thoughts – pretty cool, right?

1. Call-to-Action (CTA) Button Test

Let's kick things off with a classic: the CTA button test. This is often one of the first things I recommend to clients because it's simple to implement and can have a massive impact.

What to test:

  • Button color
  • Button text
  • Button size and shape
  • Button placement

Why it matters:Your CTA is the gateway to conversions. A small tweak here can lead to big gains in click-through rates and, ultimately, conversions.

Pro tip: Don't just test random colors. Consider your brand guidelines and psychology of colors. For example, orange and red often create a sense of urgency, while blue can instill trust.

Learn more about A/B testing for higher conversions

2. Headline Variations

Headlines are the first thing visitors see, and they can make or break your conversion rates. I've seen headline changes lead to conversion lifts of 30% or more!

What to test:

  • Length (short vs. long)
  • Tone (professional vs. casual)
  • Focus (benefit-oriented vs. feature-oriented)
  • Use of numbers or statistics

Why it matters:Your headline is your first impression. It needs to grab attention and clearly communicate value in seconds.

Pro tip: Use our AI headline generator to come up with data-driven headline variations.

3. Form Field Optimization

Forms are often the final hurdle before conversion. Optimizing them can significantly reduce abandonment rates.

What to test:

  • Number of fields (less vs. more)
  • Field order
  • Single-page vs. multi-step forms
  • Optional vs. required fields

Why it matters:Every field you add is another potential point of friction. Finding the right balance between gathering necessary information and keeping things simple is crucial.

Pro tip: Consider using smart forms that adapt based on user input or progressive profiling to gather information over time.

4. Social Proof Elements

People trust other people. Leveraging social proof can give your conversions a serious boost.

What to test:

  • Customer testimonials
  • Trust badges
  • User-generated content
  • Real-time activity notifications

Why it matters:Social proof reduces perceived risk and builds trust, making visitors more likely to convert.

Pro tip: Test different types of social proof in different locations on your page. Sometimes, a well-placed testimonial can outperform a generic trust badge.

5. Product Image Variations

For e-commerce sites, product images can make or break a sale. Don't underestimate their power!

What to test:

  • Product-only vs. lifestyle images
  • Number of images
  • Image size and quality
  • 360-degree views vs. static images

Why it matters:Images help customers visualize the product and can address concerns before they arise.

Pro tip: Consider testing user-generated images alongside professional shots. Sometimes, authentic customer photos can be more persuasive than polished studio images.

Explore A/B testing for e-commerce

6. Pricing Display

How you present your pricing can significantly impact conversion rates, especially for SaaS and subscription-based businesses.

What to test:

  • Monthly vs. annual pricing emphasis
  • Price anchoring
  • Decoy pricing
  • Highlighting savings

Why it matters:The right pricing presentation can make your offer more attractive and increase the perceived value.

Pro tip: Test emphasizing the value proposition alongside the price. Sometimes, reminding customers of what they're getting is more effective than focusing solely on the cost.

Learn about A/B testing pricing pages

7. Landing Page Layout

The structure of your landing page can guide visitors towards conversion or leave them confused and bouncing.

What to test:

  • Single-column vs. multi-column layouts
  • Above-the-fold content
  • Visual hierarchy
  • White space usage

Why it matters:A well-structured page makes it easy for visitors to find the information they need and take the desired action.

Pro tip: Use heatmapping tools alongside your A/B tests to understand how users interact with different layouts.

Dive deeper into landing page optimization

8. Email Subject Lines

Email marketing is still a powerhouse for conversions, and it all starts with the subject line.

What to test:

  • Personalization
  • Length
  • Use of emojis
  • Urgency vs. curiosity

Why it matters:Your subject line determines whether your email gets opened or ignored. A good subject line test can dramatically improve your open rates and, consequently, your conversion opportunities.

Pro tip: Don't forget to test preview text alongside your subject lines. They work together to entice opens.

9. Mobile Optimization

With mobile traffic often surpassing desktop, ensuring a smooth mobile experience is crucial for conversions.

What to test:

  • Mobile-specific layouts
  • Touch-friendly elements
  • Simplified navigation
  • Load times

Why it matters:A poor mobile experience can frustrate users and tank your conversion rates, no matter how good your offer is.

Pro tip: Consider testing a mobile-first design approach against a responsive design to see which performs better for your audience.

Check out A/B testing for SPA

Wrapping Up

There you have it – 9 simple yet powerful A/B tests that can significantly boost your conversion rates. Remember, the key to successful A/B testing is consistency and patience. Not every test will be a winner, but each one teaches you something valuable about your audience.

Start with these tests, but don't stop here. The beauty of A/B testing is that there's always something new to learn and optimize. Keep experimenting, stay curious, and watch your conversion rates soar!

Get started with A/B testing today


Q: How long should I run my A/B tests?A: It depends on your traffic and conversion rates, but generally, you want to run tests until you reach statistical significance. Use our A/B test duration calculator to get a more precise estimate.

Q: Can I run multiple A/B tests simultaneously?A: Yes, but be careful of interaction effects. It's often best to focus on one major test at a time, especially if you're just starting out.

Q: What if my A/B test results are inconclusive?A: Don't worry, it happens! Review your hypothesis, ensure your sample size was large enough, and consider refining your test. Sometimes, a "failed" test can give you insights for your next experiment.

Q: How do I know if my A/B test results are statistically significant?A: Use our A/B testing significance calculator to determine if your results are statistically significant.

Q: Should I always go with the winning variation?A: Not necessarily. Consider the long-term impact and align the results with your overall business goals. Sometimes, a short-term win might not be the best for long-term strategy.

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